Horses For Sale

A fine collection of warmblood dressage horses, sourced worldwide, from Novice to Advanced Plus.

Novice and Elementary Dressage Horses
Ranging from horses just out of Prelim to those almost ready for the next level. With good basic reactions, more secure rhythm, suppleness and contact. Our access to a range of Novice and Elementary dressage horses, coupled with an intimate knowledge of dressage requirements means we can offer a wide choice of quality horses and source horses to meet your requirements.

Medium and Advanced Medium Dressage Horses
Horses that are competing at or are trained to Medium/Advanced Medium level and are showing elasticity in the movement and temperament enough to progress up to higher levels.

Advanced Plus Dressage Horses
Horses that are competing at or trained to Advanced level and show great balance and expression in their movement. A proven ability to stay consistent at the level.